茨木市の文化芸術振興事業として2013年に始動した「HUB-IBARAKI ART PROJECT」は、茨木市に暮らす人々が、現代アート作品・アーティストとの交流を通して、アートの本質的な魅力である「表現の豊かさ/美しさ」「探求心」に触れ、その体験をそれぞれの日常の中へ還元していくことをめざしたアートプロジェクトです。


2024年度から実施される「HUB-IBARAKI ART PROJECT」では、ディレクター内田千恵のキュレーションによって1名(組)のアーティストを招聘し、先駆的なアートのプロジェクトに取り組みます。


The “HUB-IBARAKI ART PROJECT” was launched in 2013 as part of Ibaraki City’s cultural arts promotion project. It aims for the residents of Ibaraki City to experience the essential appeal of art, such as the “richness/beauty of expression” and “spirit of inquiry,” by interacting with contemporary artworks and artists and integrating these experiences into their daily lives.

In 2023, the project was transferred from Ibaraki City to the Ibaraki City Cultural Foundation and underwent a structural renewal. As part of this renewal, one of the challenges for the project moving forward is reconsidering the meaning/role of “HUB” included in the project title and developing the project to create a hub for new expressions and activities. The goal is to create a “City of Culture Connected to the Future” (Ibaraki City’s Cultural Promotion Vision (Phase 2)) by focusing on contemporary art, building networks with different fields, and creating diverse interactions with citizens, as well as providing a space for experimental activities in uncharted expressions that have yet to establish their value.

Starting in 2024, Director Chie Uchida will curate the “HUB-IBARAKI ART PROJECT,” which will invite one artist (or group) to engage in an innovative art project.

ディレクターステートメント 内田千恵

HUB-IBARAKI ART PROJECTのリニューアルにあたり、2013年以降10年以上に渡って培ってきたアートプロジェクトとしての活動に加え、現代美術のHUBとしての役割を見つめ直し、茨木市から市外、県外、そして国外へと日英で発信し、同時に現代美術の情報を受信し、交流する場をつくっていきたいと考えています。


HUB-IBARAKI ART PROJECTの活動においても、常にエシカルな選択ができるよう努めてまいります。作品制作やプロジェクトの遂行において環境に配慮し、廃棄物を最小限に抑え、リサイクルを推進します。また、このプロジェクトに関わる全ての人々が公正な労働環境で働けるよう配慮し、アートにおけるエコシステムの改善に貢献していきたいと考えています。

これらの方向性をもとに、HUB-IBARAKI ART PROJECTは今後も挑戦し続け、人々と協働し、新しい出会いが詰まった場となりますように。

Director’s Statement Chie Uchida

As part of the renewal of the HUB-IBARAKI ART PROJECT, building on over a decade of art project activities since 2013. In addition, we aim to reassess our role as a HUB for contemporary art. We plan to disseminate information in both Japanese and English from Ibaraki City to outside the city while simultaneously receiving and exchanging contemporary art information.

Ibaraki City, while being close to a major metropolis, is blessed with a rich natural environment and diverse backgrounds, history, and culture, making it a continually evolving and attractive place. Centred around activities in Ibaraki City, we aim to collaborate with artists, build connections with communities and other organizations, and transform the art emerging from Ibaraki City into something that transcends regional boundaries and becomes more open.

At the core of our HUB-IBARAKI ART PROJECT activities lies an unwavering commitment to ethical choices. We pledge to be mindful of the environment in our artwork creation and project execution, striving to minimize waste and promote recycling. Moreover, we are dedicated to ensuring that every participant in this project operates in a fair labour environment and contributes to improving the ecosystem in the art world.

Based on these directions, the HUB-IBARAKI ART PROJECT will continue to take on new challenges, collaborate with people, and become a place filled with new encounters.

内田 千恵

1984年大阪府生まれ。 Art 7ten (アールセッテン)運営・代表。
主な企画に「ある視点」(2016,2017)「わたしとしぜんと」(2017)、「そして、それは土となる」(2020)、「種を蒔く、それはすべてのはじまり」(2020)、「やがて、その芽は花となる」(2021)、「WUNDERKAMMER -森の思想-」(2022)「奈良・町家の芸術祭はならぁと」のキュレーター(2020-2022)として展覧会企画及び”地球にやさしいエコロジカルな芸術祭” のディレクションを担当。2024年より「HUB-IBARAKI ART PROJECT」の新ディレクターに就任。


Born in 1984, Osaka. Director of Art 7ten. Graduated from Osaka University of Arts with a Master’s degree in Arts Management from London Metropolitan University. Worked for a commercial gallery in Japan (2011-2019) and researched the French art scene (2015-2016), establishing Art7ten to foster contemporary art exchange between Japan and France. Interested in environmental issues and ecology, exploring their intersection with art. Major projects include ‘Certains Regards’ (2016, 2017), ‘La Nature et Moi’ (2017), ‘And, That Will Become Soil’ (2020), ‘Sowing Seeds is the Beginning of Everything’ (2020), ‘Before Long, the Sprouts Will Be Flowers’ (2021), and ‘WUNDERKAMMER’ (2022). Appointed director of the HUB-IBARAKI ART PROJECT in 2024.


2013年度「HUB-IBARAKI ART COMPETITION」スタート(作家公募と長期展示の形式に)
2016年度HUB-IBARAKI ART PROJECTと名称を変更/アートプロジェクト色を強めた企画を展開
2018年度チーフディレクターとして山中俊広氏が参画 (-2022)


2008:The Ibaraki City Sculpture Installation Project started. From 2011 to 2012, public art by contemporary artists Kenji Yanobe and Kohei Nawa, who have connections to Ibaraki City, was installed as part of the project.
2013:"HUB-IBARAKI ART COMPETITION" started (artist competition and long-term exhibition).
2015:The project is renewed to feature one artist (or group) selected through competition.
2016:Renamed the HUB-IBARAKI ART PROJECT, the project expands with a stronger focus on art projects.
2018:Toshihiro Yamanaka joins as Chief Director (until 2022).
2020:The official website is renewed, covering the archive of HUB-IBARAKI activities.
2023:The project is transferred from Ibaraki City to the Ibaraki City Cultural Foundation.
Chie Uchida has been appointed as the new director. Change to artist selection by the director
The project undergoes a renewal, including a website

アドバイザー|雨森 信(2023-)

Organaiser|Ibaraki City Cultural Founcation
Advisor|Nov Amenomori (2023-)
Director|Chie Uchida (2023-)